As per traditional, the CRC season wrapped up with a pizza night. However, the venue changed this year. Caboto was booked so we spent the night at Capri. Thanks to Mark for putting in the leg work to get this booked. Most CRC members showed, as did a potentially "new" member. Here are the final attendance stats for the year and next year's attendance will be based on this. This year one one of the fewest rides we have had in a year.
Here is a link to the complete spreadsheet.
Rider of the Year

Close call this year. Mark? Dave? Arthur? However, we voted for.... Arthur!. Not only does Arthur have a sweet Freddie Mercury fu manchu, but he rode last week (unofficial ride) and he showed up tonight.
Host of the Year
Ali or Mark? Ali, asked us to help cut his tree down. Mark, cooked up burgers and provided beer when no one brought beer. Congratulations to Mark as Host of the Year. Ali, you got some work to do. The bar has been raised.
Blogger of the Year
No one. You all suck.
See you guys in the spring! Hopefully we'll be riding sooner than later.