Thursday, June 16, 2011

First Group MTB Ride of the Year

Well we managed to do it. We actually got out for the first group trail ride of the year. Weather conditions were great mild temps and slightly overcast, no chance for Jay's alter ego to make an appearance, but neither did Jay (so we thought).

CRC battled through the sludgy jungles of Black Oak realizing that the conditions and the E.P.O enhanced mosquitos made for a relatively unpleasant trek. After a brief encounter with a skunk (no, not Dave), we made it to Malden where we were pleasently surprised to find Jay who after running over a turtle along Malden road joined us on the trails of Mount Malden. We did a short one lap ride and headed home for some bevies. Possibly a new addition to the CRC riders, Chris Masse joined us for the after party and will make his debut if not on a upcoming Wednesday, on the Boyne trip.

Boyne trip July 15-17. Those confirmed (Mark, Matt, Jay, Liam, a very accomodating Jeremy, Chris Masse, Dave). Anyone else planning on coming please let Mark or I know so we can book a condo. The concensus is that golf will be part of our trip this year. I will borrow some clubs and join you guys.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

CRC Century

     Despite many things acting against CRC today, Rob, Craig and Ali completed the TourdeCure century in Brighton, Michigan.  From missing equipment to flat tires to Ali's crash (yes Ali, it was a crash) and not to mention his bladder that is the size of a pea, we completed the course in 6:20, beating our goal.  The weather co-operated and it was a good thing everyone had on sun screen :)  The best part was the massage at the end.  What a sight!  3 "angels" working on Rob and Lou Ferrigno working on Ali.  Where is the camera when you need it?  Thanks to all that supported us.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

No Passport = No Ride!

      Tonight was our trial at getting over to the states for a ride as we discussed last year.  The night got off to a bit of a rough start for some of us, at least those that chose to tough out the heat.  And HOT it was.  My car said 37 degrees when we hit the trail.  Back to our lesser organized CRC members.  Yes, Rob and Jim showed up to go over the border without their passports.  They turned around and went home while the rest of us reorganized and headed over.  For future reference, we should hit the highway no later than 4:15.
      Matt, Craig, Jay, Ali and Jeremy toughed out the trail.   Pontiac was in awesome shape and a ton of fun to ride.  Unfortunately, Mr. Heat made his appearance tonight making the trail particularly difficult for one rider.  However, the beers at Mexicantown made him feel much better.
     Points were hard to come by tonight and those that got them earned them.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Race #4

CRC was racing at Malden last night. It was a beautiful night and the trails were great which made for a blistering pace. Most riders were shaving not only their legs but almost 5 minutes off their times. Both CRC riders had great races filled with thrills and spills. Last race in two weeks at 6 pm. Will we see more CRC riders? Let's hope so!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Jacques Night

     What a horrible spring!  Usually by now we have been out 6 or 7 times and not had a Jacques Night.  But not tonight.  After only 3 weeks we had our first Jacques Night.  A great night for a ride too..... if you rode a mountain bike, which some chose to do.  If you rode the road, it was very, very, windy.  Both groups ended up having a great ride.  The largest turnout in a quite a while, including a couple of newcomers.
     But definately the highlight was the burgers and the dogs at Mark's house.  Thanks Mark for the feast and thanks to Jim and Mark for the beer.  Noted.  Nice to see Smitty out for his first CRC ride in a couple of years. And the first half point is on the board.... Jay (thanks for not bringing ass-flavoured chips).  Hopefully we can keep up such a large group as the season progresses.
     Next up for beer is Dave.  Maybe we will all be on the trails by then?????