Thursday, October 24, 2013

Chicken and Cold!

Ali feast

The first cold night of the year.  Even Parka Rob thought it was cold.  Only six guys made it out.  I made a mental note of the temperature as I left the car.  9 degrees.  That is my limit.  Once single digits hit, I am done.  At least Ali's warm kitchen and chicken made up for the cold.  Thanks Ali!  Rob brought out a new beer and followed it up with two delicious bag of chips.  Nothing exciting to report on the ride other than Jim and I almost getting hit by a deer and Craig surpassing Jay in the attendance!!!  Next up, Rob (weather permitting of course).  Jay is up for beer next.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

First Cool Night

  Well it looks like the cool weather has arrived.  However, if you had seen Parka Rob you would have thought we were biking in the Arctic.  Laugh all you want at my dress code chart but I wasn't the one taking my jacket off halfway (again).  Good ride (34 km of all trail).  Nice of Jim to join us.... late.  Remember 6:30 means 6:30. :)   Thanks to me for the cold beer and two, yes two, bags of chips.  The person bringing the beer has been slacking of late and not bringing chips.  Remember, the chips are one of the most important part of our post-ride routine.   As we near the end of the season the attendance seems to have settled into a pattern.  Ali, Mark and Arthur at the top.  The mid-packers, you know, the guys who have a life.  And then there is the lowly "we forgot what you look like group".  Russ?  Who is he?  Scott, just saw him last week and was re-introduced to him but nowhere to be found again.  Liam?  I think he is British.  Dave?  Dave?  A shout out to Matt, the only who reads and comments on the blog.  Don't forget that we decided we are booking Moab for a long weekend in early May.  Ali already got a good deal on his flight, so book early.  I think he was with Delta. Rob is up for beer next week.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

First Night Ride of the Year

      I don't know what was bigger news tonight, first night ride or Scotty "Cottage Boy" Ellsworth making an appearance????  What a beautiful night to ride.  Any October night that you can ride in shorts and shirts and still sweat is ok with me.  Unless of course Ali stops and wants to just "talk" in the bush.  Then it is not so nice.
      Scotty made his first appearance of the year, albeit very late.  He said he thought it was July and time go come out and start getting in shape.  I think it was also the biggest group of the year.  We rode for over two hours and felt at times like we were moving.  At least it felt that way until I wiped out not once but twice, and decided to take it easy.  Just a heads up for future rides.... I propose Mike always rides at the back and lights up the trail for everyone with his helicopter floodlight.  Rob, don't even bother with your light.  Another Arthur cherry was popped tonight, first Jacquesfest (where he walked a way a winner, then the Michigan game, and now a night ride.  Arthur, you have never been so lucky.  What is next????  We forgot to tell you about game Ali likes to play when it gets cold out, but more on that later. Thanks to Jim for the ice cold Moosehead!  Matt said he is bringing next week.
What would our first night be without a mechanical????

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Same as last week - poor turn out -- & no - beer - well almost!

Again - a beautiful evening & the trail was in excellent condition! - however only 5 riders showed up! - namely Arthur, Rob, Ian, Jer, & Ali. The adventurous 5 amigos did the Black Oak trail ---& then headed to Malden Park- a surprise from the same old one location ride - to give it a try & see if we could still do the the big hill!  -Where were you- Mike? -king of the big hill! - well suffice it to say, there was some swearing going on & we all needed a few minutes to catch our breaths!

 We got back - & again No Beer! - whose turn was it?  - Need to up the penalty!

Anyway - Dave was waiting for us - just to shoot the sh--! - but on some prodding from Jer. - ran out and bought the beer for the night! Way to go - & earned a full point! A true trooper! - for a change!

Mike shows up for the same reason - just to shoot the s---! - but without the chips! On Mikes request, we all heard again the recent racy adventures of Tyson - from who else but Dave - his buddy!

Had a few laughs as always!- & called it another great night!

Cheers till tomorrow!