I am not really sure if the season is on yet. Clearly CRC attendance has been down for the first two weeks almost to the point that maybe attendance points shouldn't be awarded???? Apparently when I am not riding things all fall apart. What happened to the beer list? What happened to keeping attendance? Guys I can't be there to hold your hand every week. It is time Ali puts on some big boy pants and gets this organized? Speaking of Ali putting on big boy pants, will he ever put on CRC bike shorts again? His randonneur escapades has left his bum-bum a little to chapped to ride on Wednesdays.

So I showed up at Mark's this week to find out that Mark was providing another set of chips. Many non-riders showed up sans chips. Some of the things that we discussed were the need to get the beer order going, whether Caitlyn Jenner was hot and did he/she bear an uncanny resemblence to Ali?, and the need to update our email contact list. There are people on that list that hasn't ridden with us for years, so be forewarned if you follow this.
Attached is the updated beer list. Ian is up for this week. Mike next week. If you can't make it please go let the next person on the list know. Hopefully, we'll be on the trails before long.