March 30, 1994- Craig G and Russ H purchase 1st mountain bikes
March 1, 1995- Dave G purchases his 1st bike
March 26, 1995- Dave’s first ride at Pinkney
April 1, 1995- Rod L begins riding with us

April 7, 1995- Mike S’s first ride (Pinkney)
June 25, 1995- First race at Ruby Farms (Rod, Dave, Russ, Craig)
June 14, 1995- first Wednesday ride to the West end, Craig, Mike & Jim
Aug 2, 1995- Craig, Mike, Rod start riding the West end with the Rockets. Craig & Mike finished off the year (till September) riding with the Rockets on Wednesday night
July 3, 1996- Craig, Jim, Mike, Rod riding with the Rockets consistently on Wednesdays
July 17, 1996- Dave joins the Wednesday night ride
June 11, 1997- Ali joins on the Wednesday night ride. Leaving from Craig & Dave’s house on Church St and picking up Ali on the way out.
1997- Jim, Ali, Dave, Mike & Craig all rode the west end trails
May 26, 1999- Liam joins us. We begin riding every Wednesday from Ali’s house.
September 1, 1999- Mark Jacques joins
May 30, 2001- Jason M joins
July 18, 2001- Scott E joins
May, 2002- attendance is now being kept to determine beer order
June 28, 2002- first “camp” weekend
December 29, 2003- first Christmas party at Jay’s
June 13, 2006- Rob C joins
June 28, 2006- Ian R joins
May 24, 2007- Matt M joins

Sept 27, 2007- first Michigan game
June 4, 2008- Russ Hodgson “officially” joins
July 13, 2008- Jeremy Comartin joins
September, 2009- Jason purchases "Black Beauty" and hands down "Iron Dragon" to Jeremy
December, 2009- Jeremy purchases a "real" mountain bike
January, 2010- Mark J purchases road bike
May, 2010- Rob purchases road bike
May 12, 2010- First group road ride
June, 2010- The group now has a name.... Chain Reaction Cycling
April 2011- Chain Reaction Cycling now has jerseys!
May 2, 2011- Jay Lamb officially joins
August, 2011- Mark get his new Rocky Mountain Trailhead