Thursday, June 7, 2012

DNF's and a Poor Result From a Top Rider

     Just a guess, but that might have been one of the best nights this season to ride.  Solid temperature, terrain and banter.  A fine showing was put forth by Jeremy who finished first (leaving Mark's) and did show up for another great trail ride.  Kudos to Jer for taking the heat and lumps for his weekend slip up.
My attempt to catch a picture of the group going through
the woods

      Now to the real matter at of our top riders, James Hadjissaris (excuse the spelling errors) committed arguably the biggest blunder in CRC history by having a  Did Not Show, DNS for short, when it was his week for the bevies.  Jim, Jim, Jim what to do???  The committee will decide your fate, but you knew the rules when you joined.  Thanks to Mark (again) and Dave for bucking up for the last minute beer.  Next up for beer is Jim H and Jim H.
      Great ride and good luck to our CRC members in their respective events and races tonight and Saturday.  Be safe and ride hard (that's what she said).

Mr. Heat

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Mark for the great doggies and the beers again!


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