Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Charge Up the Lights!

Ian powering up the hill
Kind of an unmotivated night tonight for many of us for various reasons.  The biggest news (other than Jim and Ali getting caught holding their weenies (not each others)) is that we are going to lights and 6:30 next week.  So don't wait until Tuesday night to make sure your lights are working (Jay, Dave).
     We should probably discuss some kind of late penalty for Rob regarding the beer.  We were waiting for about half an hour and finally Mark showed up with bevvies left over from the weekend.  If it is your turn for beer.......Rob can't make next week so that means Dave, then Rob.

      Ian also wants to add something to the constitution about if a fellow rider runs over your wheel and ruins it, there should be some sort of penalty.  Normally I would disagree but the rider in question has a long history of riding too close and constantly bumping wheels with others.  Clearly the fault here does not lie with Ian, even if he did take down half the forest in his crash.
     Disappointed that no one blogged about the Michigan game festivities/shenanigans.  Was looking forward to the pics and stories of the day.  Oh wait, those that know how to blog don't even remember the day (Matt excluded).

1 comment:

  1. That is an awesome picture of Ian! - & he is looking good & smiling!Did u say powering up the hill? - must be going down the hill!!

    Yes, agreed - penalize severely the guy( has to be Dave the Mower) that rubs wheels with others from the back -& other tail crashers! -err Jay? :)

    hey - jim & i got caught - but it was more than just wee....!

    Ya! - an unmotivated group tonight! - not all though!


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