Unfortunately, Dave had to put down his 20-year old Shwinn this week. It was a sad time for the entire CRC family, but it was really tough riding with Dave and seeing the sagging shocks that wouldn't hold any air, the squealing brakes, and the cracks in the frame. In dog years, that Shwinn was about 140 years old. The sad part is that I remember the very first ride that Dave and I did with that bike.
On a positive note, congratulations to Dave for his new addition. Yes, Dave purchased himself a sweet new bike, a Rocky Mountain 29er. After congratulations and admiration in the pre-ride parking lot (Ali's driveway), discussion turned to how long it would take Dave to take a wipe out on the trail. I put the over/under at 45 min.
Not a lot of guys out tonight. I don't understand why. Weather conditions were perfect. Teachers were celebrating the start of their 9 weeks of vacation, which means hanging out at Ali and Marks house long after else has head home to bed.
Dave and Arthur continue with perfect attendance. Jay opted to attend his staff party and that put an end to his perfect attendance. Jim H. made his first appearance of the season to get him on the attendance board. Trails are in the best shape I have ever seen them, smooth and fast. However, maybe they were a little too fast for one person riding a brand new 29er. Yes, Dave wiped out. Didn't see it but saw the aftermath :). Dave's new ride wasn't done taking center stage tonight. No, apparently his 29er decided to give new meaning to quick release. As in, I am going to quick release my rear tire on the trail while my new rider is riding it.
You would think that Dave's night was done. Nope. Coincidentally it was his night for beer. Apparently Dave spent all his money on his new bike because he somehow forgot to bring chips. His excuse (that no one bought) was that he didn't know that if you brought the beer, you also brought the chips. Apparently those chips he has been eating for the last 10 years just magically appeared in front of him. However, some of CRC more elder members (he just celebrated a 50th birthday and his name rhymes with Bob, Hob, Knob) suggested that it would be in his best interest to
head to the nearest corner store for some chips.
AWOL ALERT! Ian Ross. Last scene checking out bikini-clad women on a cruise off the coast of Spain. Normally we wouldn't care but he is up for beers next week. Since he is AWOL, that means he probably is not reading the blog. Arthur you are next so better be prepared just in case Ian lets us down.