Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Paging Dr. Nagy

    Apparently Arthur has traded in his Daisy Dukes for hospital scrubs???  Arthur came to my rescue tonight when a massive bug (ok, it felt like it at the time) decided to fly into my ear and hang out for a bit.  I have to give Rob some credit here, he held the flashlight while Arthur used a twig (felt like a stick) to dig into my ear and fish out this flying nuisance.  It was a long process and yes, Arthur did go too deep at one point (insert joke here because they sure did).  In the end, Arthur was able to convince this flying monster to bite on the twig and he pulled him out of my ear.   This may be the end of the story for Arthur and Rob but the psychological trauma will be long-lasting for me.  So if you have a medical emergency on the trail, Dr. Nagy and nurse Charlebois have you covered.
      Getting back to the ride.  It was a hot one and only 5 riders braved the first hot day of the year.  Trails were in mint condition.  We managed 30 km in under 2 hours.  Thanks to Mark for hosting (even if he wasn't there for the first beer) and Mike for bringing the bevvies and chips  even though he didn't ride.   Big shift in attendance this year.  Jay at the top???  Ali on the bottom (insert joke)???? Next up for beer... Jeremy then Dave.
AWOL Report

Jeremy Comartin.  Last seen at Greenshield wearing a dress (according to reports)

Ian Ross.  Last seen typing excuses on his computer at work

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