Wednesday, May 19, 2010

All Aboard the Mousseau/Jacques Train......... and some fast dude we met

         Well, wet trail conditions led us to previously unheard circumstances.... another road ride.  Tough ride this week, 47.5 km in 1:37 (or if you got lost 50 km in 1:42).  Not only was that farther than last week but it was also faster thanks to Mark and Matt who led us out most of the way, as well as the other guy who led out some wicked pace (45 kph for a very long stretch).  There was even some talk about making this a somewhat regular thing. 
          Nice to see Liam back in the fold.  Although Liam did not ride, his intentions were clear and he did show up after.  There was heated debate whether he should be awarded a full point, 1/2 point, or no point at all (Ali).  We are venturing into new territory here as far as the constitution is concerned.  When the constitution was written a group road ride was never considered and certainly not what about those riders that don't have road bikes.  We are definitely in need of an immediate amendment.  In the end, Liam was granted his full point, however if he doesn't bring chips next week it will be downgraded to a 1/2.
        While the rest of us were sipping down cold ones, Mark was hard at work with coming up with our club name.  He came up with many interesting choices that he will be informing us about.  If you have any suggestion, fire away.  Just as long as they don't have the word "tu**" in it.
      Next week, beers at Ian's house.  Weather is supposed to be nice, bring your trunks. 

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