Thursday, May 13, 2010

New "Team Radioshack"...... Canadian version

      Well, the inevitable finally happened.  Due to slippery trail conditions, saner minds decided that a road ride would be a better way to go tonight.  So tonight was the virgin ride for some new road riders.  Jeremy brought out the "Iron Dragon" for his first ride with it.  While the "Dragon" performed admirably, its lack of hydration may have dampened its true effect.  Rob brought out his sweet Specialized and it performed up to its abilities.  Jacques Jamis was steady as always leading the way.  Jay's "Black Beauty" lived up to its name, however some of its rider's tactics and allegiance to other riders are questioned.  Let's not forget Mr. RPM himself.  Ali was test riding a new bike tonight, opting to forgoe the mountain bike with slicks.  Even Ian earned a full point for showing and riding on his mountain bike on his own.
       All in all, a great ride tonight.  41km in 1:27.  It was decided (we had quorom) that future wet weather would bring road rides.  Also, I have inside information of a new road bike being brought into our group (no, not Ali).  Details on that to follow.
       Also, it was discussed the need for a name for our group, since we really don't have one.  I am putting it out there for suggestions.  
      According to Ali, we are good for beer next week, but next up would be Ian in two weeks. 


  1. Kudos go out to Jeremy on his first road ride. He rode so well he made the Iron Dragon look like a Pinnarello and made his wind drag suit perform like a time trial singlet. In all seriousness quite impressive, everyone should be doing P90x to get that kind of performance. Great ride guys! By the way, does anyone know where I can pick up some retro Gore-tex?

  2. "Revolutionary Riders"? As in the rotating of tires but kind of makes us sound bad ass even though we are a bunch of old guys who talk about beer, chips, books and satellite dish cards. Too cheesy? At first it sounded good but now I'm not sure. Modern Family was really good by the way. Now I'm rambling. See ya next week.


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