Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Good ride in the rain

This ride got off to a late start. What was that phrase I heard a while back? Tires on the road by 6:30? On this Wednesday the CRC didn't actually leave Ali's until 6:55. Some had bike issues...others running a bit late... but Jim takes the cake as he showed up late, then rode out wearing a button down shirt! Hilarious. Lucky for him Ali went back into his house and came out with a selection of cycling tops for Jim to pick from.

Once the ride finally got going, the gang hit the usual spots, Morton then Malden in a lovely misty rain to cool us off on a humid night. The CRC had 11 dedicated members show up, with all 4 teachers missing in action. Coincidence? You make your own call! Liam provided the beers and all in all it was a great night.

We had a quick chat, and Saturday September 24th has officially been confirmed as this year's Michigan game..... get ready for a good time, its time to go support the maize and blue!

Next week's beer date would be Craig.. but since he is off gallivanting in the east coast it skips to Jeremy, then back to the top of the order, Jim.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Group ride....... Almost!

The heatwave continues. On a day where the heat reached 91 degrees, 8 CRC members set out for a ride at the usual time with temps still in the upper 80s. The goal of the ride: to keep hydrated, and keep the group together after the last few weeks of disorganized riding. Well, that didn't last long as not even halfway through Morton we lose Rob. The group turned back to find him but he was busy taking shortcuts to the end. We found him later at Malden with Smitty.

Mr heat made his presence felt, but let Jay off with a mere warning.... aka the headache but no vomiting. Congrats Jay for telling him where to go.

The ride ended with a lovely dip in Mark's pool to cool off after a hard ride in the heat. Matt provided a full spread of burgers and all the fixings..... thanks again boys.
Next up for beer is Liam then Craig, but I think he's out of town so it would skip to Jeremy.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Muddy Buddy Champs (again)

CRC Racing took on the Muddy Buddy yesterday in Stoney Creek, Mi. The reigning age group champs defended their title by a whopping 10 minutes. Overall we finished 11th out of 690 teams. More importantly we will share the details of the revealing costumes adorned by some of the female racers on Wednesday. A great day, next year maybe some more CRC members will come out for the experience.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Close Call

      Well, let this be a lesson to all.  One unfortunate CRC member who has a long history of not checking his email (no, not Jim H), failed to realize that it was his turn for beer.  After the ride he had to quickly scramble to pick up the beer.  Because he knew he was under the gun, he must have rushed at the beer store because he inadvertently (I am sure) picked up a "non-premium" beer.  The only person who actually appreciated this oversight was Scotty.  Go figure.
      To put things in perspective, at this time last year we had 14 rides in.  This was our 7th.  Tough ride tonight with the heat.  Mark's pool never felt better after a ride.  And with Scott's second appearance this season, he has now doubled Russ and Jim's combined attendance for the last 10 years.  Well done Scott!
beer schedule
     One of the items discussed on the agenda was the date for the Michigan football game.  I will post a poll on the blog.  Second place date will become our backup date.
     Attached is the beer schedule.  Matt, Jay, Liam are up next.  Hopefully they will read their email.

Friday, July 1, 2011

... and the summer is officially here!

     Now that the teachers are done school that is.  That means no more Ali 10:00 curfew!  As for the ride..... what a bunch of wimps!  I am sipping pina coladas up north on a deck, it's too hot (Jay), I have dinner plans, my son's graduation.  Well at least 6 of us showed up.  Morton is rideable if you don't mind being whipped by overgrown grass and low hanging branches.  Whatever you do, don't stop unless you feel like giving up a litre of blood to the monster size mosquitos.
    It turns out that our missing persons on the milk bottle program is paying off.  A former WNBG member (pre-CRC) showed up to get back into it.  Hopefully he hangs around.  And he is still moaning about "premium" beer.
     Speaking of beer, next up is Rob then Matt.