This ride got off to a late start. What was that phrase I heard a while back? Tires on the road by 6:30? On this Wednesday the CRC didn't actually leave Ali's until 6:55. Some had bike issues...others running a bit late... but Jim takes the cake as he showed up late, then rode out wearing a button down shirt! Hilarious. Lucky for him Ali went back into his house and came out with a selection of cycling tops for Jim to pick from.
Once the ride finally got going, the gang hit the usual spots, Morton then Malden in a lovely misty rain to cool us off on a humid night. The CRC had 11 dedicated members show up, with all 4 teachers missing in action. Coincidence? You make your own call! Liam provided the beers and all in all it was a great night.
We had a quick chat, and Saturday September 24th has officially been confirmed as this year's Michigan game..... get ready for a good time, its time to go support the maize and blue!
Next week's beer date would be Craig.. but since he is off gallivanting in the east coast it skips to Jeremy, then back to the top of the order, Jim.
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