Well, let this be a lesson to all. One unfortunate CRC member who has a long history of not checking his email (no, not Jim H), failed to realize that it was his turn for beer. After the ride he had to quickly scramble to pick up the beer. Because he knew he was under the gun, he must have rushed at the beer store because he inadvertently (I am sure) picked up a "non-premium" beer. The only person who actually appreciated this oversight was Scotty. Go figure.
To put things in perspective, at this time last year we had 14 rides in. This was our 7th. Tough ride tonight with the heat. Mark's pool never felt better after a ride. And with Scott's second appearance this season, he has now doubled Russ and Jim's combined attendance for the last 10 years. Well done Scott!
beer schedule |
One of the items discussed on the agenda was the date for the Michigan football game. I will post a poll on the blog. Second place date will become our backup date.
Attached is the beer schedule. Matt, Jay, Liam are up next. Hopefully they will read their email.
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