Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Jay and Jen's extravaganza

Well done to Jay and Jen, last night really was a treat. It was nice to see all (most) of the guys and their lovely wives. The beer selection was excellent, and such a spread of fine food; just what I needed after the excesses of Christmas? The Wii tennis was fun, even though I sucked badly. I suspect there were a few ringers in our mix (Craig) I must practice for next time.

May I wish a very good and happy new year to all, and look forward to seeing everyone and their new bikes in the coming bike season.


Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Bike

Well I took a peek at some of the bikes on sale for boxing day at the bicycle shop in tecumseh... I ended up leaving with a new ride. Check her out here:

All i need is shoes and I'm set for the riding season.... where's spring when you need it??

Saturday, December 19, 2009

2009 Year in Review

As the year comes to an end it is time to reflect back upon the year.

Attendance Winner

This was a hotly contested battle all year. Once again Matt started off well, eager to show off his winter workouts. However, just as when he gets with a girl, he can’t last and was quickly overtaken by…. well, pretty much everyone.

Thanks to the long season it actually gave us a truer winner, not going to some wussy who can’t take a little cold. This year’s winner is Mark (largely due to his constant harassment of the committee to adjust his attendance points due to “injury”).

So Mark goes to the bottom of the list for next year. However, something tells me we won’t be able to wait that long…..

“See you there” Award

This award definitely goes to Rocketman” Rodney. Over and over all year we heard, “Yep, see you there” or the famous “I’ll meet you”. Of course the most infamous “I’ll see you” occurred when it was his night for beer. That issue will have to be discussed at a committee meeting in the future.

New Rider of the Year

Jeremy. Technically not a new rider, he started late last year. Jeremy definitely impressed everyone with his consistency, effort, improvement and the quality of beer he brought on his night.

Jeremy was a regular at all social events and definitely proved he has the “Wednesday night stuff”. And to think that Charlebois thought he was a wimp and that he wouldn’t last.

Now, if only he would get a new bike…..

Roadie Convert of the Year

This was a tough decision for the committee. Many of you looked to the dark side and like what you saw (for some it was the idea of shaving your legs). Mark and Matt sneaking out for road rides (or was that picnic lunches?). Ali….. well Ali riding his mountain bike on the road… again. Rob, stealing my bike late in the year and holding on to it for an inordinate amount of time (I am going to have the check the kms). Rodney for saying “see you there when I get my road bike”.

But the award goes to Jason. Not only did he ride long, hard (that doesn’t sound right) and consistently, but he actually was able to scrape some pennies together to purchase a sweet new bike for next season. Look out Lance!

Crash of the year

Fortunately we made it through the year without any major crashes. So the award this year goes to Ali just by default.

Where’s Waldo Award

Well this award unfortunately goes to Russ. When reached for a quote, Russ said that “due to lack of fitness, lack of desire to drink beer and have fun, and hanging out with a bunch of turds….”

But we get the last laugh because once again, Russ has to be re-re-re-reintiated. That means beer for us.

Injury of the Year

Due to the questionable nature of the injury, the injury policy may have to be reviewed but this award goes to Mark. Heck, he even put on that fake patch….

Comeback of the Century Award

Without a doubt this goes to Ian. As of this moment, this award will no longer be awarded because Ian’s recovery was/is so amazing. Despite what Ian says, we still don’t believe for one second that recovery is directly related to wiener size….

Bonk of the Year

This award has 3 winners. Jason, Liam, Russ. It all goes back to one fine day at Pinckney. Once again Jason was defeated by the menacing hills of Pinckney. Who can forget the complaints of “heat stroke” and “going to barf”?

Russ…. see earlier quote.

Liam? This is the exact conversation with Liam:

“You feel OK Liam?” Oh yeh!
“Here’s a road, are you turning back?” Oh yeh!

Social Event of the Year

Can’t pick one, they are all good.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Party!!

Invites are out (if you didn't get one I guess you aren't invited :)). Tuesday, December 29 at Jay's house. I heard Charlebois at the club saying he hoped Jay had a mistletoe set up and he could get Smitty under it.

View Larger Map

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I think with the rain tonight and the cold weather coming that our season is well and truly at an end. We should all be thankful for another great year! On a peronal note; I rode home from work tonight and got soaked. Also my knee hurts (squash) my arm hurts (H1N1 shot) and my butt hurts (don't ask).

How about a pre Christmas beer night? any sugestion?


Monday, November 30, 2009

End of Season!!

Ok, it seems unanimous, the season is over. What a season too (Next blog: 2009 in Review). Here are the final stats and hence, next season's beer order. I have also some other stats regarding number of riders with have had per season, average end date, etc. See the diagram.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Actually, I am good with any night for Christmas get together. Finally Jay would get together with his buddies!

Craig, I suggest you continue to send an email to advise us, or have this blog send out emails automatically telling us there is an new post to the blog. Email just seems to be the thing we are all connected to daily. Nice work on this though.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Wow! Another great night. How much longer can we ride? This was a big night for attendance. Liam and I caught up to Jeremy for second place and overtook Ali in the process. Ali opted for a sauna as opposed to a ride.... claiming he would rather have a root canal than ride...... oh wait a sec, he did. See everyone next week.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Love the blog, great job Craig ! I've watched the videos on the side bar and wont be doing any of that any time soon. Lets hope we get another few weeks riding this year, just to round off another great season of awesome rides

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Great ride tonight! Another nice night and the rain held off. 1:40, 24 km. We rode backwards tonight, Malden then Morton. Both trails are in great shape.

Liam, it took all year but you have finally done it ........ rider of the night. Liam outrode everyone on the ride tonight, Mike (upper body injury), Ian (cold, flu, chest infection, something he ate, out of shape???? not sure), and Craig (barely and only because I let him).

Rides continue (weather permitting).

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Great Blog!

Great job Craig the blog looks awesome. Whoever had the idea is a genius. Anyways, thanks for putting in the time to set it up. Now we just have to get more pictures. There is a great website for doing slideshows called Check it out.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Hello fellows, welcome to the Wednesday Night Bike Club going Web 2.0 (I know.... Mike is still on Web .25) but I think it is time to update things. Everybody has been added as an author to the blog and only we (once we get it up and running and everybody is registered) can view this. Feel free to post messages, comments, images, whatever. I am new to this too so learning as I go. More to follow.......

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Great ride tonight. Perfect weather... right Jeremy? 1:39, 25 km.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

History of the WNBG

March 30, 1994- Craig G and Russ H purchase 1st mountain bikes


March 1, 1995- Dave G purchases his 1st bike

March 26, 1995- Dave’s first ride at Pinkney

April 1, 1995- Rod L begins riding with us


April 7, 1995- Mike S’s first ride (Pinkney)

June 25, 1995- First race at Ruby Farms (Rod, Dave, Russ, Craig)

June 14, 1995- first Wednesday ride to the West end, Craig, Mike & Jim

Aug 2, 1995- Craig, Mike, Rod start riding the West end with the Rockets.  Craig & Mike finished off the year (till September) riding with the Rockets on Wednesday night

July 3, 1996-
Craig, Jim, Mike, Rod riding with the Rockets consistently on Wednesdays

July 17, 1996-
Dave joins the Wednesday night ride

June 11, 1997- Ali joins on the Wednesday night ride. Leaving from Craig & Dave’s house on Church St and picking up Ali on the way out.

1997- Jim, Ali, Dave, Mike & Craig all rode the west end trails 

May 26, 1999- Liam joins us. We begin riding every Wednesday from Ali’s house.

September 1, 1999- Mark Jacques joins


May 30, 2001- Jason M joins

July 18, 2001- Scott E joins
May, 2002- attendance is now being kept to determine beer order
June 28, 2002- first “camp” weekend

December 29, 2003- first Christmas party at Jay’s

June 13, 2006- Rob C joins 

June 28, 2006- Ian R joins 

May 24, 2007- Matt M joins


Sept 27, 2007- first Michigan game


June 4, 2008- Russ Hodgson “officially” joins


July 13, 2008- Jeremy Comartin joins

September, 2009- Jason purchases "Black Beauty" and hands down "Iron Dragon" to Jeremy

December, 2009- Jeremy purchases a "real" mountain bike

January, 2010- Mark J purchases road bike 

May, 2010- Rob purchases road bike

May 12, 2010- First group road ride 

June, 2010-  The group now has a name.... Chain Reaction Cycling

April 2011- Chain Reaction Cycling now has jerseys!

May 2, 2011- Jay Lamb officially joins

August, 2011- Mark get his new Rocky Mountain Trailhead


Ciociaro Race Series


Windsor Bicycling Forums

Bike Windsor Blog

Three-Sixty Racing

Maple Leaf Cycling


Bicycle World

Road Bike Action Magazine


Michigan Biking Calendar

Cherry Capital Cycling Club (Torch Lake)

Past Attendance










Constitution of WNBG


1.1 This organization shall be known as the “Wednesday Night Bike Ride Club”-
herein after referred to as the Club


The objects of the Club shall be:

2.1 to ride on a weekly basis together for as many weeks of the year as possible

2.2 to have fun on the rides

2.3 to enjoy each others company

2.4 to socialize after the rides



In order to have active membership status the following criteria must be met:

3.1 your ride attendance does not dip below 40% on any given season OR

3.2 you buy a case of beer when it is your turn (host excluded)


In order to have honourary membership status the following critieria must be met:

3.3 you ride with the club once a year

3.4 you petition the club with an acceptance speech, to be completed on a yearly basis


4.1 route will be determined on a majority rules basis

4.2 distance will be determined on a personal basis

4.3 trailside repairs will be done with a community spirit

4.4 with appropriate approval, ride night may be changed to a different night under special circumstances

4.5 the host cannot determine when the night ends and when people must go home unless voted upon by the members

4.6 from April to August, the ride leaves at 6:30 sharp. During other months, times will be discussed on a per ride basis


In order to earn attendance points you must:

5.1 ride with the group. Arriving late and catching up with the group counts

5.2 bring a bag of chips the following week to earn a half point in attendance


6.1 beer order is determined at the beginning of the season, based on last years

6.2 the list will be posted at the beginning of the season on Ali’s fridge

6.3 every week, a different beer must be bought. The beer has to be of premium quality and cheap or on sale beer does not count. You will be required to bring again the following week.

6.4 if you forget your beer turn, you are required to bring beer for two (2) weeks in a row

6.5 trading weeks with another rider is acceptable


7.1 attendance points will be earned on any other social outings planned by the club on a Wednesday night

7.2 it is expected that a member of the club will hold a winter party of some sort


8.1 any changes made to the constitution or any amendments must be brought before the club and voted on

8.2 75% of the members must agree on the changes to make it official

8.3 additions and amendments to the constitution may be made by any active member in good status with the club


9.1 the annual meeting will take place sometime at the end of September where any changes can be discussed