Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Party

Thanks to Jen for hosting another great CRC Christmas Party.  Despite the fact that a number of CRC members were mysteriously absent a great time was had by all.
Missing CRC members

Scott, off season training commitments
Ali, too many girlfriends on the go 
Jim, swollen labia
Mike, Mike who?
Mark, didn't involve a ride
Russ.... wait Russ actually showed to a CRC function.  Note, the one that did not require exercise  

Nice to see Liam beginning his 2014 comeback.  Hopefully he'll be out more next season.  Russ will need someone to ride with.  We'll let Dave give us our 2013 good bye with this video clip.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Awesome Video

Thanks to Mark for this super cool video.  I loved the scene where he went downhill backwards on his front wheel.  I double dare any of you to try that.  Thanks to all that commented on the blog this year :).  Don't forget the Christmas Party at Jay's house on Saturday, December 28th.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Season Over

    Ok, I am officially announcing the season is over.  And what a season it was.  It is that time to reflect on our season and ponder what the future holds.

Attendance winner-  Ali.  I have to say that is pretty impressive that he attended 92% of the rides.  We might have to start keeping track on who is on time for the rides too.  This is not Ali's first time winning this award.  I would like to chalk it up to his dedication to CRC, but in reality, it is more related to the fact that he thinks that he will find hot chicks on CRC rides.

Poorest Attendance-  Tough to call.  Many people could win this.  The obvious numbers suggest Scott.  But Scott has good reasons why he can't ride.  Kids, job, cottage.  Liam, he had some good reasons too, I just can't understand his version of English.  Then we have Dave and Russ.  Neither could offer up a good excuse week after week.  Russ claimed it was his knee, back, soccer,  couldn't find a bra to fit.  Dave????  Who knows.  He mysteriously went off the radar on Wednesday nights.  The winner (or loser) of this award is Dave.  At least Russ brought beer on nights when it was his turn.

Rookie of the Year-  Hands down this goes to Arthur.  Not only did he attend a high percentage of the rides, but it was also the quality of the rides he put in.  Plus, he was quick to attend all the social events.

Fake Injury of the Year-  Jeremy.  Funny how the "bad back" started shortly after he got engaged.  BTW, still waiting for stag party invite (from Jay).
Combined stats since 2002

Bike Ride of the Year-  None.  We were lame this year.

"I Might Be Able to Fit You In Award"-  This award goes to guys that sometime ride with CRC and make an attempt to ride with us every now and then.  This award comes down to three nominees.  Mike- had decent attendance but was quick to ditch us for vacations in Italy.  However, he did buck up big when it was his turn for beer (thanks Roxanne).  Jim- very elusive.  Shows up out of the blue, including mid-ride at night.  Does bring beer on his night and even goes out to get chips when he forgets.  However, late most nights when he does show.  Matt- he didn't want to go on the beer list this year.  However he did show up every now and then and did bring beer one night when he didn't have to.   Since all three of these guys were participating in other bike-related activities, this award goes to Dave for not bringing beer on his night.

Crash of the Year-  Thankfully no major crashes this year so Ali wins by default again.

Party of the Year-  Mark's party is always a great time.  I am sure Jay's will be too.

Comments on the Season-  We got off to a slow start this year but had a pretty good mid-season.  However, due to the lack of trails at Malden, we quit riding there.  We also did not get ourselves organized to get away for a vacation.  For the upcoming season, let's set a date to get away and make an attempt to ride the Malden "hill" more (Ali).  This upcoming season will also be our 20th season of riding together.  Hard to believe.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Chicken and Cold!

Ali feast

The first cold night of the year.  Even Parka Rob thought it was cold.  Only six guys made it out.  I made a mental note of the temperature as I left the car.  9 degrees.  That is my limit.  Once single digits hit, I am done.  At least Ali's warm kitchen and chicken made up for the cold.  Thanks Ali!  Rob brought out a new beer and followed it up with two delicious bag of chips.  Nothing exciting to report on the ride other than Jim and I almost getting hit by a deer and Craig surpassing Jay in the attendance!!!  Next up, Rob (weather permitting of course).  Jay is up for beer next.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

First Cool Night

  Well it looks like the cool weather has arrived.  However, if you had seen Parka Rob you would have thought we were biking in the Arctic.  Laugh all you want at my dress code chart but I wasn't the one taking my jacket off halfway (again).  Good ride (34 km of all trail).  Nice of Jim to join us.... late.  Remember 6:30 means 6:30. :)   Thanks to me for the cold beer and two, yes two, bags of chips.  The person bringing the beer has been slacking of late and not bringing chips.  Remember, the chips are one of the most important part of our post-ride routine.   As we near the end of the season the attendance seems to have settled into a pattern.  Ali, Mark and Arthur at the top.  The mid-packers, you know, the guys who have a life.  And then there is the lowly "we forgot what you look like group".  Russ?  Who is he?  Scott, just saw him last week and was re-introduced to him but nowhere to be found again.  Liam?  I think he is British.  Dave?  Dave?  A shout out to Matt, the only who reads and comments on the blog.  Don't forget that we decided we are booking Moab for a long weekend in early May.  Ali already got a good deal on his flight, so book early.  I think he was with Delta. Rob is up for beer next week.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

First Night Ride of the Year

      I don't know what was bigger news tonight, first night ride or Scotty "Cottage Boy" Ellsworth making an appearance????  What a beautiful night to ride.  Any October night that you can ride in shorts and shirts and still sweat is ok with me.  Unless of course Ali stops and wants to just "talk" in the bush.  Then it is not so nice.
      Scotty made his first appearance of the year, albeit very late.  He said he thought it was July and time go come out and start getting in shape.  I think it was also the biggest group of the year.  We rode for over two hours and felt at times like we were moving.  At least it felt that way until I wiped out not once but twice, and decided to take it easy.  Just a heads up for future rides.... I propose Mike always rides at the back and lights up the trail for everyone with his helicopter floodlight.  Rob, don't even bother with your light.  Another Arthur cherry was popped tonight, first Jacquesfest (where he walked a way a winner, then the Michigan game, and now a night ride.  Arthur, you have never been so lucky.  What is next????  We forgot to tell you about game Ali likes to play when it gets cold out, but more on that later. Thanks to Jim for the ice cold Moosehead!  Matt said he is bringing next week.
What would our first night be without a mechanical????

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Same as last week - poor turn out -- & no - beer - well almost!

Again - a beautiful evening & the trail was in excellent condition! - however only 5 riders showed up! - namely Arthur, Rob, Ian, Jer, & Ali. The adventurous 5 amigos did the Black Oak trail ---& then headed to Malden Park- a surprise from the same old one location ride - to give it a try & see if we could still do the the big hill!  -Where were you- Mike? -king of the big hill! - well suffice it to say, there was some swearing going on & we all needed a few minutes to catch our breaths!

 We got back - & again No Beer! - whose turn was it?  - Need to up the penalty!

Anyway - Dave was waiting for us - just to shoot the sh--! - but on some prodding from Jer. - ran out and bought the beer for the night! Way to go - & earned a full point! A true trooper! - for a change!

Mike shows up for the same reason - just to shoot the s---! - but without the chips! On Mikes request, we all heard again the recent racy adventures of Tyson - from who else but Dave - his buddy!

Had a few laughs as always!- & called it another great night!

Cheers till tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Poor turnout! - ONLY 4 dedicated riders show up! -& NO BEER!

It was a beautiful evening - but only 4 true & dedicated (almost --) riders - jay, mike, rob & ali, showed up!
The trail was in great shape & the ride was fun! - but short for 3 riders who bailed out early! Why?? - well they used the same excuse as mike - sudden night blindness ! "  I can't see - it is getting darker in the trail"! - even when the sun had NOT set yet! Jay also said something about getting home soon for his ---goodies?? - & to look at the shoes that his wife needs for some gala!

Anyway all was well for a cold one - & jer also showed up for beer! BUT NO BEER!! ahhhh!

Yep -Jim failed to show up for the ride --& worse did not provide/bring the beer & chips! Where was Jim?? Hope he had a good excuse --or it was worth missing  the ride as it was agreed unanimously that a severe penalty will be dished out to him at the next ride!- & he is following the bad example of the out of shape & "don't give a shit attitude"- by the younger guthrie!

Till tomorrow!


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Let's Go Blue

The weather gods smiled on us today.   We arrived at the golf course at 8:30, got a prime parking spot and broke out the games.  Rookie of the year, Arthur wasn't able to maintain his dominance in tailgating games as Jeremy dominated the games.  While it was quieter on the golf course this year, there was still plenty of activities going on.   Tickets were easy to be had.... some opted to buy at first chance and pay lots... others decided to hold out and get tickets for $12.50.    Some were not happy with their $12.50 tickets and chose to upgrade them at the last moment.  The game itself was close coming down to the last play of the game.  Thanks to Mark for cooking up great food all day, especially the steaks!!!!  The usual shenanigans took place but you had to be there to experience.  I'll let the pictures do the talking.

CRC Dropbox

 Arthur's Pictures

Friday, September 13, 2013

Nasty Weather

Did it ever get dark in the woods fast tonight as the storm blew in.  Despite the fact that Ali wanted to do another lap, other CRC riders opted to get home and that was no easy task in itself as the rain and heavy winds kicked up.  Nice to see Jim out for the ride however mysteriously absent post-ride.  Heard him say something about getting lucky this evening.  Mr. Heat made a very surprise appearance tonight.  He hasn't ridden with us since early July.  As a matter of fact, this may be the first time he has ridden with us in September.  Arthur also wanted me to make mention of the fact that he did NOT fall tonight.  Ali on the other hand.......  Also, Jeremy's medical leave was approved.
     Thanks to Arthur for the Moosehead.  Jim is up next week.  Hopefully he will show up on time, with his helmet and the beer!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Back to School

    The first week back at school also coincidently turned out the greatest CRC numbers of the year. Not much to say about the ride other than the fact the Jay doesn't read his emails, the Rookie of the Year, Arthur fell (again).  Apparently those new tires aren't as grippy as you think.  Jer shows up again without a doctor's note and no chips.  The lack of chips last night really hurt.  Even Ali's ass-flavoured chips would have been good.
Nice enough that Dave brought the beer (and good beer) but what happened to the chips?  I'll let Rob's email speak for the group.......


That's very sad that you did not provide the requisite chips to go along with the beer.  First you forget the beer last week & now you expect us to be satisfied with a few beers & no food!?   Lucky you weren't present last night as you would have been linched!

You may just need to do all the cooking @ the Michigan game to make up for it!!

Speaking of Michigan game.  Next Saturday, noon game.  Arthur we hope to watch you lose your virginity at the game and Ian..... be a man.  Next up for beer is Arthur and Jim (hopefully he will be joining us by then)

Sunday, September 1, 2013


     What a great night at Mark's house last night.  While this is always a highlight of our summer, it was also a somewhat sad evening.  Some of the CRC members will be returning to work on Tuesday after 8 weeks of drinking, vacations and doing generally nothing.  Not surprisingly, we received little sympathy from those who had to work all summer (namely one guy who just returned from Hawaii).
     Mark provided us with a variety of our favourite tailgating games.  It was good see newcomer Arthur, takes the overall victory (sounds like he is in for tailgating) and Michelle Mousseau won theMichigan game is Saturday, September 14.  Don't forget ride starts at 6:00 this week. 
female category (could be wrong here but I don't recall any other women playing?).  Regardless, the victories stay in the CRC house.  Dave was also a big squares winner.  We know where that money will be going.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Happy Birthday Dave!

   Happy Birthday to Dave!  Let's celebrate with a beer!  Oh wait, we don't have any beer.  How is that possible?  Every week I send out the list of whoevers turn it is bring beer.  Let me check for this week...... what?  That can't be possible..... Dave?  Apparently Dave got a little too caught up in his household celebrations that he forgot about the people that really care about him.  That's ok, it wasn't like it wasn't one of the hottest night of the year and we didn't ride 30km.  Water is just fine, thanks Ali.  No, I don't want the one Molson Canadian you have left from 2005.   As everyone was about to go home, Mark came to the rescue (again).  Don't worry Mark, I am keeping track.  To add insult to injury, the one non-rider that shows up doesn't even bring chips (Mike).
Ali waiting for us. (a first!)
     The ride?  Arthur took 5 nice wipeouts and looked like he had been playing in mud all night and his front tire showed.  At least he came prepared tonight.  I think everyone could have had a flat and Arthur had our back.  Jeremy cut out early to deal with his hemorrhoids.  Rob thought he was getting a blood transfusion today from his blood in 1996 but apparently he just gave blood.  The biggest surprise of the night?  Ali was actually waiting for us!!!  See pic.

     Don't forget Mark's party Saturday and Dave is definately up for beer next week.  Erie street race this Sunday.  Also, next week is September and ride time is moved to 6:00.  But since no one reads the blog I guess I'll be riding on my own.  No, wait, I know Jeremy reads it so I guess Jer and I will be riding on our own.  
     I was in Mark's garage and it was nice to see the timeline up in his garage.  BTW, it has been updated with Arthur's pic.
CRC Timeline

Thursday, August 22, 2013


   While I did not ride, I did show up for the 1/2 point.  The major talk of the night was the recovered cell phone.  Imagine the disappoint as we huddled around the phone hoping to find some sexy pics stored on it only to find no pictures.  Ali was hoping for some new material.  The other big news was the fact that a number of CRC cyclists went out unprepared.  You would think we would know better by now.  It all started with Arthur.  He gets a flat and has no tube or pump (he also tried some lame apology email in hopes that he wouldn't be shamed on the blog).  Arthur ask Ali for a tube.  He would have had better luck if he had asked Jeremy to do a back flip.  Rob?  Tube?  Nope, not on him either.  Mike finally comes to the rescue.  Of course everyone blamed Jim Hadjissarris for getting a flat in the fall and everyone bailed him out and then never replenished there supplies.  So somehow it was all Jim's fault.
    Well done Ian on the Mexican themed night!  Next up for beer is Dave.  He'll probably lame out and buy Lakeport.  Also, Dave and I were biking in the Don Valley Area on the weekend and were shown some super cool trails.  I have updated the rides page with links.  Here is a video of some of the trails.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

East End Ride

    Tonight a few dedicated road riders left from Mike's house for a 45 km route through the county.  Pace was leisurely as everyone really wanted to get back to Mike's to enjoy Roxanne's fine home cooking.  Now I know why Mike puts in that late night call to home before leaving South Windsor every Wednesday.  Amazingly Dave was one of the riders.  I suspect it was the first time his road bike has been ridden this year (by him that is).  With that, Dave moves ahead of Liam and is tied with Russ in attendance.  
     So a big thanks to Roxanne and we can't forget that person that purchased that wonderful Molson Canadian from 2008.  We really should give Ali's fridge a good cleanout at the end of the season.  Don't worry though.... the beer did not go to waste as Jay offered to take it off CRC's hands (who know for what reason, hehehehe).

     Next up for beer is Ian, Dave, Arthur.  And please, good beer.  

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Nice Try

  Well, attendance is really down.  By far the most in years.  Tonight was no different, only 4 dedicated riders.  Should I go down the list of excuses????

Ali.... family (ok, he gets a pass here because we actually got to meet them)
Jay...... golf vacation (aka beer drinking)
Rob...... Hawaii.... is this guy made of money????
Jeremy (more on that later)
Matt..... I need a rest day (please.... this is a rest day)
Dave..... Dave who????
Liam..... company in town that drinks all my beer so I have to stay home to guard it
Russ..... swollen labia
Arthur.. currently up for the end of year award "Fastest Decline From Top Attendance Spot"

Ok, back to Jeremy.  Jeremy showed up without riding and when asked if he brought chips, he said he brought beer instead.  Immediately we were impressed, not many CRC riders would do this when not there turn.  Upon further investigation it turns out this beer was simply remainders from last week.  And when questioned about the chips, he admitted he did not bring any.  Jeremy went on the defensive and actually tried to claim the "Fake Mark Jacques Eye Injury Award (circa 2009)", only it was his back.  When asked for his doctor's note or visual sign of an injury, he could produce neither.  Therefore, Jeremy was not awarded his 1/2 point tonight.  That sure didn't take long.  Only engaged for two weeks and already he is trying to pull fast ones on us.
     I don't think we need any beer for next week and there was talk of road riding from Mike's house next week.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Rain... What Rain?

     The weather did not play havoc with the core of CRC riders that went out Wednesday night.  We were able to put together a solid ride at Morton with Ali leading the way, surprisingly.  Mark decided to put his road bike on hold and join up again with the big boys on the trails. Rob spent some time getting reacquainted with sand on a wicked washout corner.  Jer, the ever steady, rode well, but thoughts of a stag and Ali's side job as a gynecologist made his ride uncomfortable at best.   As per usual, Smitty showed up later, but with only 1 bag of chips.  I don't know if that equals a half point silly.  Thanks again for hosting Ali, and Jer for bringing the beer.

Beer order..... next up is Russ but I am guessing he is out.  Rod is out for sure, Laim... Liam who????  That brings us back to Mike.  Mike, check with Ali to see if we need beer for this week.  With only 5 guys showing up each week we are probably good.

* I believe we are set on the 14th of Sept. with Michigan hosting the Mighty Zips of Akron.

Mr. Heat

Friday, July 26, 2013

We Get a Point

Wow!  How things have fallen apart as soon as Jay and I leave.  I ask Ali to take care of the blog and what do I get??? Nothing!  I have to take time away from my margarita to email him and he claims Jeremy was going to take care of it.  Why would you let a newly engaged guy take care of something as important as the CRC blog.  He clearly has other things on his mind (like how much sex he is going to get once he gets married :).  (PS. Jay wants to know when the stag is).   Jay and I just want to let you know that we earned our point this week since we rode after all.  Since I know no one would believe us I have attached proof.  This was the end of the ride by the way.  Clearly from the email going around the afternoon on Wednesday there was much confusion as to the ride.  A road ride on a mountain bike????  Enough Ali (see pic).  We are very disappointed that Jay and I missed Ali hosting.  He told me before we left that he purchased some steaks and was planning on a nice BBQ.  I hope it went well.  By the way Ali, our leftover beers do not constitute your case.  
     Mike, 1981 called, how was the Journey concert?  Did you wear your 3/4 sleeve Journey Escape jersey???  I was told Rob rode...... Rob who?  The good news is that at least Jay will be back next week to right the CRC ship.  I heard that Russ couldn't ride because he had to rest up for his squash match on Thursday, turns out it didn't matter (losing to a pothead).  Next up for beer..... Jeremy.  
Enough said

Name Shows Times %
Ali 12 13 92
Arthur* 11 12 92
Jeremy 11 13 85
Mark* 9 11 82
Jay 9 13 69
Craig 8 13 62
Mike 7 13 54
Rob 6 13 46
Ian 5 13 38
Jim H 3 13 23
Russ 3 13 23
Dave 2 13 15
Liam 2 13 15
Scott 0 13 0

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Ok, definitely the hottest night of the year.  You know it is hot when the nighttime low is 85 degrees.  Hard to believe that we are in mid-July (according to Jay summer is almost done) and we can't ride the trails due to wetness.  So we opted for a road ride.  Only 6 brave riders showed up to ride in the heat.  Amazingly, Mr. Heat did not make an appearance but his cousin did.   We are going to start an Ali bike shorts fund.  If you have ridden behind him lately I don't need to explain.  Thanks to Mark for cooking up the great meal and Jay for the Sol. Next up for beers is Ali then Jeremy.  Thought I would add Jay's thoughts about who would ride and who wouldn't tonight just in case you didn't get his email.

Jer get your sleep, you do need it for your health and well being, and ovaries!
Rob, camp where ever and enjoy it, but don't let Patty do all the work.
Dave, be lame and rub Barb's belly wuss.
Ian, you will likely show, unless your labia tightens
Jim, APB has been sent out already.
Craig, unpack to pack for Sat. gimp.
Russ, your back might tighten up and then your boobies will be out of whack.
Mike, man up and bring your big boy pants
Ali, you will come, but be so effing late that you will be on time for next week.
Liam, you are still a stud and need to come out for beers! Or bring for your week.
Mark, no worries
Arthur, ditto above


Mr. Heat

Sunday, July 14, 2013

My Apologies

Ali leading the way

It appears there was mix up &/or misunderstanding in communication tonight.  There was no email as to where the after-ride get together was going to be -& hence by default it is usually at my place.  However before the ride, Mark indicated to everybody in my driveway that he was hosting tonight & we were meeting at his place after the ride. – he had confirmed that with me earlier in the evening.  However, Rob had brought the beer & it was put in the fridge.  So off we went for the ride on our mountain bikes except for Mark who went on his road bike & he was going to do his thing & be back around 8.30pm.  Well part way into the ride, things got confusing/half –assed!

Jeremy & Rob decided to turn back early –prematurely- ? - & Arthur & I kept going for a longer ride!- at my suggestion!!!  No problem – as, I assumed that Rob & Jeremy will meet up at Mark’s place when they got back as arranged!  But the beer was in my fridge! – Well I said to myself as I was riding & thinking - No problem! – as Mark will surely have beer at his place & the boys will have enough to quench their thirst!!  - & Arthur & I will join them directly at Mark”s’ when we get back!   - & I will replenish Mark;s beer from Rob;s beer!  Now I learn that you guys – including Dave & Jay, I assume – were waiting at my place for me to get back! - & have a few cold ones! But I was way late getting back!- & hence you all finally did go to Mark’s!  So regardless of the above mix-up/mis-understanding – I apologize to you all for keeping you waiting! -& no cold beer! Not a good thing given the hot humid evening!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

And Then There Were None

Well we no longer have anyone with perfect attendance.  And both guys losing it on the same night.  Unfortunately Arthur lost his with some lame excuse about a backyard project getting done before the rain.  Here I thought Arthur had what it took to be a part of CRC but then this!  As for Ali, he was unavailable for comment at press time.
     The ride was hot and wet.  The south side of the tracks we assumed were very wet since the north side, which is usually dry, was also wet.  Malden is becoming overgrown.  Nobody had much motivation last night was we wrapped it up in under and hour and a half.  Thanks to Jacques for supplying the sausages and cold beer :).  Next up for beer is Rob then Jay.  But since nobody reads their emails or the blog you probably won't know that.  However I am on vacation and will have plenty of cold beer handy.
     We have also put out another APB on another missing member.... Dave.  Someone said they saw his bike on Kijiji???

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Saddle Sores..... Not Buying It!

The first hot night of the year and yes..... you guessed it.  Mr. Heat decided to join us on the ride.  However, thanks to a neighbour's pool (hehehe) and beer, Mr. Heat disappeared before the night got into full swing.  The trails tonight were very slippery with many riders going down in the corners.  For what is a first in CRC history, the group actually had to wait for Mike and Jim to catch up.  Some suggested they wanted some alone time on the trails (Jeremy).  While they offered up another excuse, I am not buying it.  Doesn't matter that "I raced in the 24 hour on the weekend and have a bad saddle sore" (Jay did offer to take care of it) or the "I have to race tomorrow and just want to go easy". No, I think that CRC tonight pushed a pace that most riders couldn't have kept up with.  That is my story and I am sticking to it. 
     Thanks to Jim for bringing the Moosehead (albeit late).  Next up is Craig for beers.  BTW, has anyone seen Liam, last seen on Farmers Blvd and East (private joke).  No seriously.  Is he still in town?  What happened to all that off-season training?  Also, bumped into Scotty this week.  Hoping to see him out in July.  

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Perfect Night

Nicest night of the year last Wednesday.  I know it was almost a week ago but I have been busy.  Nice to see Mark back even it was a road ride.  And to drag Arthur along?????  Obviously Mark took advantage of Arthur's rookie status and was able to convince him to road ride instead of riding the trails.  Speaking of trails, they were in beautiful shape.  Thanks to Mark for having us back to his place later for some "ass-flavoured" chips.  I thought he was kidding but apparently you can buy them.  I am sure Ali will stock up on them.  Next up on beer is Jim.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Just Kidding

Ok, we really didn't ride Wednesday, it was poring.  However, we did have a good turnout for beer in Ali's garage.  Mike Smithini is up for beer next.  That is if he hasn't converted to being a wine drinker with all the time he has been spending in Italy. 
Yes we are dressed to ride but we really didn't.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bizarre Weather Night

What a weird night for weather.  It was dry in Tecumseh, started raining on the expressway around Jefferson and then cleared and it looked like it hadn't rained by the time I got to South Windsor.  Rob, Jay, Ali, Mike and I ventured out, still a little wary of the weather, but the rain held off.  Trails were in mint condition.  We covered 27.3 km, 1:35.  Thanks to Arthur for his Rolling Rock beer from last week.

Great Weather - Excellent Trails - BUT where was everyone?

Great Weather  - Excellent Trails - BUT where was everyone?

There were only four shows to start on a beautiful evening -- so we waited for the laggards - Jay! - but no more shows & so we departed at 6.45 pm!
- & without the overly enthusiastic rider - Ian - with his new bike - but no shoes, shorts ---& presumably no underwear! - but he did NOT lock himself out unlike ---! - so he goes back home to ---?

The trails were in awesome shape - the best so far in terms of traction & speed! Jer was leading! -& Well - there was no usual school stuff chattering as the "busy teachers" were a no show! - assume they were away on a field trip of some kind---!

--& hold it! The rider -Ian - with the missing shoes & biking knickers catches up with the group! That was fast -- Wonder how did it! --oh, of course the "New Bike"! - nuclear powered & self guided!

So Ian takes the lead --& takes us out of Morton at a fast pace-- via the barrel route --& on to Malden, where Rob - yes, he showed up - took us through his preferred trail!- & it was good - unlike the half-baked/hearted rides we have been doing there lately! - alas - no hills!

Then it was time to indulge in - the Rolling Rock Beer - by special request for who else - Jer! -& chips- complements of Arthur! Thank you. Again no shows of any thirsty beverage consumers! Only Mark showed up -minus the chips- as he has a note from the doctor! - he looks & sounds just fine! - & do not know why he is not riding!

Well let us hope the chumps show up for the next ride!

Better late than never!


Thursday, May 30, 2013

What is going on??? Top bananas all dropping like flies!

Jer poops the attendance bed early in the season!   Mark has surgery, Jim takes a night, Smitty leaves Canada to escape and Moose drops out entirely.  Hodgson?  Hodgson who?  Is the pressure at the top too much?  Arthur will soon find out.   Back of the group has never looked this good (and trust me looking at you clowns from behind is no treat)!  Thanks to Arthur for the beer.  I think we are probably good for next week.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

To Mountain Bike or Road Ride???

After some discussion we decided to ride the trails as opposed to the roads.  Plus the fact that Ian doesn't have any money left after the purchase of his sweet mountain bike to afford a road ride.  We stayed to the one side of the tracks and it was pretty dry.  Malden was good, minus the hills and Ali.  Beer was great however apparently Davie doesn't know how to read email and forgot the chips.  "I didn't know we had to bring chips".  After much debate and talk of changes to the constitution (because some of you scammers keep finding loopholes) came up.  It didn't take long for Arthur to get comfortable and  find a loophole, maintaining his perfect attendance.  Also it was decided to grant those people that rode in the first week their attendance point.  I think I have updated it correctly but double check your attendance.
Good thing Ian cleaned his bike

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Muddy and Slippery

Story of the night
  Don't get excited Ali, we are not talking about your last trip to the proctologist.  No, we are talking about the trail conditions.  After some debate and careful online Doppler 4000 research, we opted to head out and hope for the best.  While the rain cleared the trails were very wet and slippery making all cornering a dicey experience.  However, the ride went pretty quick as we brainstormed as to how to bail Jim out of his latest predicament.  Yes, he locked his keys in his car.  Thankfully for him his wonderful wife (I know she is reading this) came and bailed him out ....... and sounds like it wasn't the first time.
    Some notes on the season so far.  Newcomer Arthur is at the top of the attendance list.  Rodney, Scott, Liam??????  Anyone heard from or seen them?  Rob finally blessed us with an appearance and Dave snuck out with a bag of chips.  Good luck to Mark on Friday.  I am confident that on Saturday morning I will finally be faster than him.
 There was some confusion surrounding the beer.  Thanks to Ian for bringing it at last notice (even if some inconsiderate person stole the beer parking spot).  Here is the updated beer list as to who as brought.  Dave is up next although we may be good for a week.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Low Numbers.....

What is going on with CRC????  Hardly anyone rode on Wednesday.  And Jasie gets the first half point of the year.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

And Let the Season Begin.....

Not sure what was more impressive about tonight's ride, the fact that Russ showed, the fact that Liam didn't, or Ian's bike.  Regardless it was a great night.  You know it has been a long winter when Jay calls it quits early.  Thanks to Russ who supplied the beer and applied for his 5th reinstatement to the club.  Of course what would a Wednesday night ride be without a Smitty pita???

New Season

It looks like the weather has finally taken a turn for the better and the trails are drying up.  I'll let Mark sum up the start of riding season.... let's summarize...

This week's ride will start at 6:00 p.m. from Ali's place and finish there. 

Russ (you may remember the tall kid with no power in his legs) will bring the beer. Don't forget last year we invoked the "If it your turn to buy the beer, you bring at least two bags of non-ass-flavoured chips too" rule. Got it Russ? (NOTE: See Liam below)

Mark is inviting Arthur Nagy, a good guy who has been spinning with some of us all winter. (Yes, I know the rule...but I am sure he will kick some of your asses...especially since he trained with me and has done some triathlons).

Dave is bowing out blaming me for his absence...I did tell you Dave the spinning classes finished last month. What you volunteered to do after that was you own doing!

Scotty may or may not show...something about having to work on his cottage so all his other friends can come for a visit this summer.

Smitty...well...he never reads his email on time. Didn't show last week because he was watching his grass grow instead of reading his email earlier on Wednesday afternoon to know there was a ride.

Jeremy...he'll show least the tired-ass part of him that poops out 3/4 of the way through the ride.

Craig...well...he'll most likely be late. There isn't enough time for him between his 3:30 departure from school to make it home, have a couple of beers, squeeze one out, and drive all the way here for 6:00. He'd prefer an 8 p.m. start so he can get home later and not have to worry about putting the kids to bed too!

Rodney...well he is a no excuse guy...expect him to show up with his tuned-up ride ready for action again this week....this is unless he is heavily involved in one of his other weight loss cross-training events.

Ali...well...he has no choice...we are meeting at his place...make sure things are spic and span clean for us Ali. By the way, I like my burgers medium-well please.

Ian...expect Ian to hit the trails with his new stallion again, and leave a trail of sweat for all those stragglers to follow so they don't get lost

Matt, Jim and Rob...the elusive road race trio. You gents (used loosely here) may be extreme road cyclist now, but don't forget your roots. Get your sorry asses out for the ride on these off-race-week rides with us. Remember, CRC is where you learned everything you know (which isn't much to brag about!).

Liam...steady Liam is in for a record 100% attendance this week. He says he is bringing beer. You and Russ had better decide who is really bringing beer.

Jay...expect an appearance from Jay this week. Stay away from beans for the day please!

Well, that should just about do it! If i left anyone unscathed, I apologize. I'll try hard next time.

See all or some of you for the ride.
