Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Beer Order 2014

Ok, here is the beer order for this season.  I have left the newcomers off of the list (for now).  Some of you never got back to me about riding this year so I have included you in the list anyways.  If you want off it, email me ASAP.  If you can't bring beer on your night please switch with someone around your week.  Also, don't forget if it is your night for beer, you also need to bring 2 bags of "non-ass flavoured chips"(Ali circa summer of 2012).  Most importantly!!!! If it is your night for beer, under no circumstances do you forget!  For review purposes, I have copied Article VI from the Constitution:


6.1 beer order is determined at the beginning of the season, based on last years attendance

6.2 the list will be sent out via email on a regular basis

6.3 the beer has to be of premium quality and cheap or on sale beer does not count. You will be required to bring again the following week.

6.4 if you forget your beer turn, you are required to bring beer for two (2) weeks in a row

6.5 trading weeks with another rider is acceptable

6.6 the person whose beer night it is gets the parking spot in Ali's driveway.

6.7 if it is your beer night, you are also required to bring two large bags of chips

2014 Order

Jim H

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Start of a New Season

Well, after a LONG, COLD winter the 2014 Chain Reaction season is about to begin.  While the trails may be too wet to ride still, it is time to start thinking about getting on the bike.  I know Mike.... you have been riding all year in preparation of your trip to Spain.  But not all of us have that dedication (stupidity) or luxury.   Some of you I have seen regularly, thanks to Mark's spin classes and some not at all.  I only see Scotty when his kid is in trouble.  I need to know who is in for riding this year so I can put together the all-important beer order.  Some of you may need to re-apply for your Chain Reaction Cycling membership due to inactivity (Russ, Liam).  Also, we have two new members (they have already been committee-approved).  An email has been sent out to everyone with what I believe is the updated and correct mail list.  I will leave it up to the South Windsor guys (Mark) to let us know when the trails are ready for riding.  I personally cannot start this week but Mark would like to start on the road this week.  Anyone with a road bike and desire can meet at Ali's at 6:00.  However, in fairness to everyone, these rides will not count for attendance.