Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Party

Thanks to Jen for hosting another great CRC Christmas Party.  Despite the fact that a number of CRC members were mysteriously absent a great time was had by all.
Missing CRC members

Scott, off season training commitments
Ali, too many girlfriends on the go 
Jim, swollen labia
Mike, Mike who?
Mark, didn't involve a ride
Russ.... wait Russ actually showed to a CRC function.  Note, the one that did not require exercise  

Nice to see Liam beginning his 2014 comeback.  Hopefully he'll be out more next season.  Russ will need someone to ride with.  We'll let Dave give us our 2013 good bye with this video clip.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Awesome Video

Thanks to Mark for this super cool video.  I loved the scene where he went downhill backwards on his front wheel.  I double dare any of you to try that.  Thanks to all that commented on the blog this year :).  Don't forget the Christmas Party at Jay's house on Saturday, December 28th.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Season Over

    Ok, I am officially announcing the season is over.  And what a season it was.  It is that time to reflect on our season and ponder what the future holds.

Attendance winner-  Ali.  I have to say that is pretty impressive that he attended 92% of the rides.  We might have to start keeping track on who is on time for the rides too.  This is not Ali's first time winning this award.  I would like to chalk it up to his dedication to CRC, but in reality, it is more related to the fact that he thinks that he will find hot chicks on CRC rides.

Poorest Attendance-  Tough to call.  Many people could win this.  The obvious numbers suggest Scott.  But Scott has good reasons why he can't ride.  Kids, job, cottage.  Liam, he had some good reasons too, I just can't understand his version of English.  Then we have Dave and Russ.  Neither could offer up a good excuse week after week.  Russ claimed it was his knee, back, soccer,  couldn't find a bra to fit.  Dave????  Who knows.  He mysteriously went off the radar on Wednesday nights.  The winner (or loser) of this award is Dave.  At least Russ brought beer on nights when it was his turn.

Rookie of the Year-  Hands down this goes to Arthur.  Not only did he attend a high percentage of the rides, but it was also the quality of the rides he put in.  Plus, he was quick to attend all the social events.

Fake Injury of the Year-  Jeremy.  Funny how the "bad back" started shortly after he got engaged.  BTW, still waiting for stag party invite (from Jay).
Combined stats since 2002

Bike Ride of the Year-  None.  We were lame this year.

"I Might Be Able to Fit You In Award"-  This award goes to guys that sometime ride with CRC and make an attempt to ride with us every now and then.  This award comes down to three nominees.  Mike- had decent attendance but was quick to ditch us for vacations in Italy.  However, he did buck up big when it was his turn for beer (thanks Roxanne).  Jim- very elusive.  Shows up out of the blue, including mid-ride at night.  Does bring beer on his night and even goes out to get chips when he forgets.  However, late most nights when he does show.  Matt- he didn't want to go on the beer list this year.  However he did show up every now and then and did bring beer one night when he didn't have to.   Since all three of these guys were participating in other bike-related activities, this award goes to Dave for not bringing beer on his night.

Crash of the Year-  Thankfully no major crashes this year so Ali wins by default again.

Party of the Year-  Mark's party is always a great time.  I am sure Jay's will be too.

Comments on the Season-  We got off to a slow start this year but had a pretty good mid-season.  However, due to the lack of trails at Malden, we quit riding there.  We also did not get ourselves organized to get away for a vacation.  For the upcoming season, let's set a date to get away and make an attempt to ride the Malden "hill" more (Ali).  This upcoming season will also be our 20th season of riding together.  Hard to believe.