Sunday, November 25, 2012

End of Year Stats

      Well, the year is officially over and it is now time to reflect.  We were pretty much average stats-wise from the past.  Matt steals the top attendance spot from Jeremy, proving he has less of a life.  Highlights from the year.......  Mike breaking his collarbone (although more of a lowlight), some great nights swimming at Mark's, Ali's crash (any one), arguing over attendance, seeing Liam a couple of times.  What did I miss?
      The one thing we missed out on was a weekend away.  I propose that we vote on the weekend date shortly, then we will pick a place.  Stay tuned for a blog vote.
     Things to keep an eye out for next year..... Rob's new bike, Russ????, Liam????, new routes thanks to the Parkway, Rod lasting longer than the first month, Ian's new bike???

Thursday, November 22, 2012

.... And a Great End to the Year

I think we may be on to a new tradition.  Great idea Jeremy!  The pizzas were phenomenal and good to see everyone (well almost, but everyone important) out.  Perfect end to a great season.  Although some of you may still be riding, attendance is done.  I'll follow up in another post with end of year stats.  Of course who can forget the end of year constitution amendments.  While we didn't have a copy of the constitution on us, Jeremy recited it section by section.  Of course the biggest amendment was that not only does Ali have to host (except when it is really hot and Mark's pool looks better than Ali's), but he is also up for the first round of beers, now part of the beer order, has to supply 2 bags of chips every night (no ass-flavoured), has to be ready to go at 6:25 or his attendance point doesn't count for that night and has to host the Christmas Party.  Also, last night everyone earned 3 points for attendance and those who didn't show lost 3 three.  We had quorum.  So big changes in the attendance.
              And what was with all those crotch shot text messages I was getting today??????

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Carving, Crashing, Cold and Creemore

It was a little brisk but turned out to be a great night of riding. The trails were beautifully cleared and tacky but the log I bailed off of wasn't. That was crash number 1. I give it a 7 out of 10. After whipping through about 3/4 of the trail Mark took the second spill about a 6. The crash of the night went to a somersaulting Ali who went down hard with a perfect 10. After dusting himself off and clearing out the cobwebs (possibly with a mild concussion) he soldiered on.

We headed to the somewhat warmth of Mark's garage for some delicious Creemore's, (thanks Jim) and gorged on some chips. A great night all in all.

Ali's bike at the bottom of the ditch
Attendees Mark, Ali, Jim and Matt