Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Saddle Sores..... Not Buying It!

The first hot night of the year and yes..... you guessed it.  Mr. Heat decided to join us on the ride.  However, thanks to a neighbour's pool (hehehe) and beer, Mr. Heat disappeared before the night got into full swing.  The trails tonight were very slippery with many riders going down in the corners.  For what is a first in CRC history, the group actually had to wait for Mike and Jim to catch up.  Some suggested they wanted some alone time on the trails (Jeremy).  While they offered up another excuse, I am not buying it.  Doesn't matter that "I raced in the 24 hour on the weekend and have a bad saddle sore" (Jay did offer to take care of it) or the "I have to race tomorrow and just want to go easy". No, I think that CRC tonight pushed a pace that most riders couldn't have kept up with.  That is my story and I am sticking to it. 
     Thanks to Jim for bringing the Moosehead (albeit late).  Next up is Craig for beers.  BTW, has anyone seen Liam, last seen on Farmers Blvd and East (private joke).  No seriously.  Is he still in town?  What happened to all that off-season training?  Also, bumped into Scotty this week.  Hoping to see him out in July.  

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Perfect Night

Nicest night of the year last Wednesday.  I know it was almost a week ago but I have been busy.  Nice to see Mark back even it was a road ride.  And to drag Arthur along?????  Obviously Mark took advantage of Arthur's rookie status and was able to convince him to road ride instead of riding the trails.  Speaking of trails, they were in beautiful shape.  Thanks to Mark for having us back to his place later for some "ass-flavoured" chips.  I thought he was kidding but apparently you can buy them.  I am sure Ali will stock up on them.  Next up on beer is Jim.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Just Kidding

Ok, we really didn't ride Wednesday, it was poring.  However, we did have a good turnout for beer in Ali's garage.  Mike Smithini is up for beer next.  That is if he hasn't converted to being a wine drinker with all the time he has been spending in Italy. 
Yes we are dressed to ride but we really didn't.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bizarre Weather Night

What a weird night for weather.  It was dry in Tecumseh, started raining on the expressway around Jefferson and then cleared and it looked like it hadn't rained by the time I got to South Windsor.  Rob, Jay, Ali, Mike and I ventured out, still a little wary of the weather, but the rain held off.  Trails were in mint condition.  We covered 27.3 km, 1:35.  Thanks to Arthur for his Rolling Rock beer from last week.

Great Weather - Excellent Trails - BUT where was everyone?

Great Weather  - Excellent Trails - BUT where was everyone?

There were only four shows to start on a beautiful evening -- so we waited for the laggards - Jay! - but no more shows & so we departed at 6.45 pm!
- & without the overly enthusiastic rider - Ian - with his new bike - but no shoes, shorts ---& presumably no underwear! - but he did NOT lock himself out unlike ---! - so he goes back home to ---?

The trails were in awesome shape - the best so far in terms of traction & speed! Jer was leading! -& Well - there was no usual school stuff chattering as the "busy teachers" were a no show! - assume they were away on a field trip of some kind---!

--& hold it! The rider -Ian - with the missing shoes & biking knickers catches up with the group! That was fast -- Wonder how did it! --oh, of course the "New Bike"! - nuclear powered & self guided!

So Ian takes the lead --& takes us out of Morton at a fast pace-- via the barrel route --& on to Malden, where Rob - yes, he showed up - took us through his preferred trail!- & it was good - unlike the half-baked/hearted rides we have been doing there lately! - alas - no hills!

Then it was time to indulge in - the Rolling Rock Beer - by special request for who else - Jer! -& chips- complements of Arthur! Thank you. Again no shows of any thirsty beverage consumers! Only Mark showed up -minus the chips- as he has a note from the doctor! - he looks & sounds just fine! - & do not know why he is not riding!

Well let us hope the chumps show up for the next ride!

Better late than never!
